INEX sp. z o.o.
66-016 Czerwieńsk
ul. Kwiatowa 16
tel./fax +48 68 32 78 260
tel. +48 532 743 327
NIP: 973 088 96 40


Dawid Kaczor
tel. +48 665 836 484


Miloš Gavrilović
tel. +48 538 633 666


Marcin Zawodny
tel. +48 880 525 565

Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen


These Conditions shall apply to all transactions between the Parties, regardless of their subject matter, and in particular they shall apply to each sale and each delivery of goods between the Seller and the Buyer. It is hereby stipulated that these Conditions shall apply exclusively between entrepreneurs and shall not apply if the Buyer is a consumer.


Siehe Allgemeine Verkaufsbedingungen (.PDF)